Saturday, May 2, 2015

H. Graduation

This girl. I just love her. She was such a fun roommate and made me laugh approximately 3.8 million times a day. And now she's a college graduate! Holly, you're a rockstar!

Friday, March 13, 2015

G & M Maternity

I am so very excited for my sweet sister-in-law and her husband to welcome their first baby this month! They are a beautiful couple and will be amazing parents!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Baby N.

I love the perfection of little newborns! After the first shot, little Miss N. had no intention of sleeping during her session but with her beautiful big eyes and sweet disposition I had no complaints!

Monday, December 15, 2014

G. Family

It's been a year since I last took this family's pictures and my goodness but the little ones have grown up a lot! Since then they moved to Hawaii and back and now they are moving to Denmark! I was so happy I got to capture these memories for them before the family heads off for their next adventure overseas! 

She was not so interested in taking pictures, but she did want to throw leaves at me with both hands :)

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